View my site for new work, art and news. Not really using this blog anymore. Cheers!

So you’ve seen my work, now you can download it, click away, and consider me for you next designing adventure.

click to dowload a pdf of my portfolio

click to download my résumé

closeup1labels3Labels for togo cocoa soap-study in branding and packaging.


Brochure for GLOBIO’s Bring-A-Book program-helping kids in underpriveleged counrties obtain school supplies.

cocoa_ad2cocoa_ad1Advertisements for my soap product togo cocoa- study in branding and packaging.


cl_covercl_mag2cl_mag3cl_magsp3cl_mag4I loved this project, I really enjoy editorial design, and developing a publication for craigslist let me have a lot of fun and freedom. I’ve made a few changes with the feature opener and cover logo, small tweaks here and there really pulled it together. I want to make an opposing page for the feature article so I can have a back to the cover. if I have time I want to find an ad to put there. Its going to be a challange to find something that dosent compete with the article. I don’t want to tear the viewer away from it, because it’s my most succesfull page. hmmm should I add anymore?

Is what I was saying to myself while browsing this supercool site of home decor stuff…besides a clean layout and funky font, this site introduces you to a new way to decorate. Vynil stickers for your walls (great for apartment living) 123 furniture in beautiful raw wood, lazer cut mirrors, really fresh fun stuff awaits at but its mostly in french so I’m not sure how the prices convert to the American dollar. I’ve got to find a way to make my own wall decals!donotforgetmirror

candylabAnother great illustration site Central Illustration  Agency gives the viewer instant inspiration- and a huge list of artists and graphic design agencys. This is a computer generated animation from Candy Lab.